Test and train our AI-Assistant Editor:
Saving you 80% time when editing.
Giving you back time for creativity.

Just tell your video what to do

‘Holly’ our AI knows exactly what's happening in each video frame – even down to the predominant colors. And it knows who said what and when – in over 90 languages.
So, instead of spending hours and even days searching for the best shots for your first rough cut:
just prompt the timeline you have in mind.

You save up to 80% of your time and can concentrate fully on the creative part: the perfect edit.

How it works

Send your footage directly into our software or access it via our integration on frame.io. Our AI generates a comprehensive library of metadata.

All you have to do:

1. Prompt your idea for your rough cut

2. Get timeline data

3. Refine or import into your video editor

Watch the demo

This is why we are developing Holly

“…the boring job is eliminated and I can devote myself fully to the creative part. I love it.”

Rainer, Director

“…finally no more
night shifts…”

Kai, Director

“…awesome tool, will greatly
speed up everyday editing!

Niko, Cinematographer

The Team

We are a great team of award-winning researchers, recognized AI-experts with hundreds of publications, videographers, directors and highly experienced developers - spread around the world. No problem. We believe in unlimited collaboration between people and technology.

Each of us does exactly what she/he loves to do: programming, developing new workflows, producing, filming and challenging the status quo. With the straightforward purpose of developing the most intelligent AI for professional video production. Because for us, video is the most beautiful and holistic medium. Which we radically simplify in production, post-production and handling – to become the future standard for video creation.

This is exactly what we at maximal are focussed on.

play is a young company developing “Holly”, a super sophisticated artificial intelligence for new creative video tools and production workflows for all kind of video production.

Write to us if you need support or have feedback and ideas.